Mom Beach Debt Snowball Calculator (Spreadsheet)
You won't believe how easy the Mom Beach Debt Snowball Calculator is to use. In a couple of clicks, you find out how to eliminate your debt.
This spreadsheet was designed by my accountant friend and me in order to give you a tool that will show you how to pay off your debt fast.
There are 3 tabs in this spreadsheet:
- Help - Detailed instructions and payoff strategies
- Debt Snowball Calculator - has room for up to 20 creditors
- Debt Payment Schedule - shows you dates on when your debt will be paid off
When you purchase this product, you are given a PDF with a link to an instructional video and then the link to make a copy of the spreadsheet in your Google Drive. It is a Google Sheets document, not Excel. It is 100% free to make a Google account to start using Google Drive and Google Sheets.
This is an instant downloadable digital product. Nothing will be shipped.